Mauro Roglieri / Carbon management / Energy Efficiency in Building / Policy development

Mauro Roglieri

32032 Feltre, Province of Belluno, Italy

MR Energy Systems

Sustainability Consultant


Founder and managing director of MR Energy Systems, a consulting engineering company on sustainability and climate change, Mauro has worked for multi-national consulting as Accenture and Ecofys. With an electric engineering master degree and second level master in Energy Efficiency, Distributed Energy Generation and Renewable Energy, he is an expert in sustainability of industry and built environment. With a broad experience in consulting public and private entities, business development and policy analysis, he developed a business unit for a large engineering company, before starting its own company, MR Energy systems, in 2011. He's been a member of the executive board of Green Building Council Italia, where he chaired the Policy Task Force, and he’s a member of the World Bank Roster ‘Carbon Market Experts’ in the framework programme Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR).


Carbon management

Energy Efficiency in Building

Policy development




Thumbnail Marco  Mari

Marco Mari

Thumbnail Giuliano Dall'O'

Giuliano Dall'O'

Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni



Founder and managing director of MR Energy Systems, a consulting engineering company on sustainability and climate change, Mauro has worked for multi-national consulting as Accenture and Ecofys. With an electric engineering master degree and second level master in Energy Efficiency, Distributed Energy Generation and Renewable Energy, he is an expert in sustainability of industry and built environment. With a broad experience in consulting public and private entities, business development and policy analysis, he developed a business unit for a large engineering company, before starting its own company, MR Energy systems, in 2011.
He's been a member of the executive board of Green Building Council Italia, where he chaired the Policy Task Force, and he’s a member of the World Bank Roster ‘Carbon Market Experts’ in the framework programme Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR).

Thumbnail Marco  Mari

Marco Mari

Thumbnail Giuliano Dall'O'

Giuliano Dall'O'

Thumbnail Roberto Ghiaroni

Roberto Ghiaroni

MR Energy Systems

Via delle Industrie, 15, 30175 Venezia, Italia | Italy

Sustainability Consultant
Thumbnail Mauro Roglieri

Mauro Roglieri