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On his first day as US president, he immediately re-joins the Paris Climate Agreement while revoking the permit to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Joe Biden is set to begin his mandate with a clear sign to tackle global climate crisis.

With the newly-elected US president, Joe Biden, the US is finally brought back into the Paris climate accords, that Donald Trump exited.

The Keystone XL pipeline is a controversial cross-border project that would bring more than 830,000 barrels of crude oil each day from Canada, to a pipeline that runs to oil refineries on the US’s Gulf of Mexico coast.

This important first step reverses years of climate change denial and embarrassing devaluing science long-supported by Trump. An expected and much needed U-turn.

The Paris Agreement – a legally binding global treaty on climate change – is a landmark in the multilateral climate change process. It invited countries to set up by 2020 long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies aiming to limit global warming to far below 2 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.

The Paris Agreement includes a framework for financial, technical and capacity building support to those countries who need it.
The agreement provides financial assistance to countries that are less capable and more vulnerable. It also fosters, for the first time, voluntary contributions by other Parties.

What have we achieved so far?

Although climate change action needs to be massively increased to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Since its entry into force, we’ve already seen sparking low-carbon solutions and new markets. More and more countries, regions, cities and companies are establishing carbon neutrality targets.

Zero-carbon solutions are becoming competitive across a range of economic sectors representing 25% of emissions. These include supporting technologies and solutions to drive market transformation towards 100% Net Zero Energy Buildings in the next few decades.
It is envisaged that, by 2030, zero-carbon solutions will become competitive in sectors representing over 70% of global emissions.

CO2 emissions, which are responsible for heating up our planet, dipped in 2020 due to the covid-19 pandemic. However, UN has warned countries that global warming green gases levels are already rising back to previous levels.

With this in mind, Biden has promised to cut US emissions to net zero by 2050. He has pledged to launch a $2tn plan to boost energy efficient retrofits for buildings and clean energies such as solar and wind, while creating millions of new jobs.


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