What is a Photocatalytic building material?
There is a constant increase in the numbers of manufacturers operating in the construction sector that produce photocatalytic building materials with anti-pollution properties.
There is a constant increase in the numbers of manufacturers operating in the construction sector that produce photocatalytic building materials with anti-pollution properties.
The dissemination of Smart Materials is rapidly growing and representing an important evolution in building design.
NovaBell presents Ongreening’s product compliance study at Coverings in Chicago.
The USGBC has released new guidance for LEED Materials & Resources Credit 4 aimed at driving more transparency in the product manufacturing industry.
A new environmentally friendly cactus-based thermal insulation does not contain any toxic substances and the material is 100% recyclable and reusable
A Columbia-based company has created an innovative solar technology, SolarWindow™, which may potentially turn ordinary window or entire tall towers and skyscrapers into electricity generators.
The first super-insulated, ultra low-carbon straw houses are about to hit the open market.
A new facility, aimed to foster building innovative solutions for the benefit of the UK and other countries around the world, was launched by the BRE Trust at the University of Bath in late 2014.
An amazing building that grows its own bio-fuel thanks to a special building envelope.