This is the time of the year when hundred thousand of people, architects, designers, journalists, collectors and design enthusiasts, from over 160 countries, swarm to Milan to attend the Salone del Mobile (9-14 April), also internationally known as Milan Furniture Fair. The event is much more than a large-size exhibition or a trade fair. In fact, a large part of the town, from streets to showrooms, from former factories to iconic residences, gets transformed to offer visitors a week-loaded unique experience with trail-blazing exhibitions, pioneering projects, ground-breaking collaborations, top-quality design products and, of course, buzzing soirées. This year the Salone del Mobile (Milan Furniture Fair) celebrates its 58th edition. I can’t wait to meet inspiring people and see old friends and colleagues such as Nicholas Bewick and Marco Roversi, who will exhibit his iconic and Sustainable Systems Furniture, called 6×6, based on an innovative patented joint for unlimited spatial configurations (S.Project — Padiglione 22, Stand F33).

After that, I would definitely suggest to move to pavilion 24, within the S-project location, to visit the immersive installation DE-SIGNO to Leonardo that celebrates our Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci and the legacy he has left to the culture of design.
DE-SIGNO to Leonardo exhibition at Salone del Mobile,

+ Salone del Mobile | Milan Furniture Fair 2019