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What will be your next investment or leasing opportunity? Could it be office, industrial and retail properties, as well as specialized spaces for multifamily or healthcare?

A recent survey carried out by CBRE among asset managers, pension funds, insurance companies, sovereign wealth funds, and private equity or venture capital firms, has revealed that sustainability is high on the priority list for the majority of investors.

70% of 280 respondents agrees that sustainability is either one of the most important criteria, or a ‘definitely matters’ in the asset selection process.

“Occupiers want to be located in buildings with sustainable features to attract and retain talent, and investors don’t want to fall foul of regulation and take a financial hit if buildings are obsolete. In essence, properties which are not meeting such criteria are losing out, as both the marketability and value of the property is tapered” says Rebecca Pearce, EMEA Head of Sustainability at CBRE.

Source: CBRE


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